=========================== mPDF v5.1 (27/02/2011) =========================== New Features ------------ - CSS background (images, colours or gradients) on and - CSS border on (only in border-collapsed mode) - support for Mozilla and CSS3 gradient syntax: -moz-linear-gradient, linear-gradient -moz-radial-gradient, radial-gradient -moz-repeating-linear-gradient, linear-repeating-gradient -moz-repeating-radial-gradient, radial-repeating-gradient - expanded support for gradients (including in SVG images): - multiple colour 'stops' - opacity (transparency) - angle and/or position can be specified - gradient can be used as an image mask (custom mPDF styles: gradient-mask) - image-orientation supported for (similar to existing custom mPDF attribute: rotate) [CSS3] - image-resolution supported for [CSS3] - background-image-resolution (custom mPDF CSS-type style) to define resolution of background images - improved support for SVG images - SVG and WMF images supported in background-image - file attachments - numeric list-styles added e.g. arabic-indic, bengali, devanagari, persian, thai [CSS3] - font kerning supported (inter-character spacing between specific pairs) - letter-spacing and word-spacing supported [CSS3] - colors supported as rgb(), rgba(), hsl(), hsla(), cmyk(), cmyka(), or spot() - spot colors supported e.g PANTONE 310 EC - PDF/X compatible files - optionally force use of grayscale, RGB or CMYK colorspace - automatic colour conversion for most objects between grayscale, RGB and CMYK Backwards compatibility ----------------------- Most changes in mPDF 5.1 are backwards compatible with version 5.0 i.e. your documents should look the same running 5.1 However some changes may alter display from previous versions: - RTL (right-to-left) languages - see below - bleed margins when using @page CSS - see below - Default distance for "cross" from inner margin changed 10->5mm [hardcoded in fn. Footer()] - If height set on a block element, will force a new page if set-height will not fit on page - If table rotated, 5mm margin at bottom is now reduced to 1mm - If image is too big for page and automatically sixed to maximum height of page, 10mm margin at bottom reduced to 1mm Colours may appear more vibrant ------------------------------- Unless specifically set, Adobe Reader uses the RGB colorSpace by default when displaying documents. However if an image or gradient using transparency (or alpha channel) is included in the document, Adobe Reader automatically sets the default colorSpace to CMYK - which makes the colours look less vibrant/bright on screen. mPDF 5.1 now specifies by default a colorSpace RGB for each page, and this will maintain the more vibrant colours. This is overridden if you use on of the options to restrict the colorSpace (cf.) RTL --- **** IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ IF USING RTL SCRIPTS **** Handling of RTL (right-to-left) languages has been significantly rewritten, and is likely to cause changes to the resulting files if you have previously been using mPDF. The changes have made mPDF act more like a browser, respecting the HTML/CSS rules. Changes include: - the document now has a baseline direction; this determines the - behaviour of blocks for which text-align has not been specifically set - layout of mirrored page-margins, columns, ToC and Indexes, headers and footers - base direction can be set by any of: - $mpdf->SetDirectionality('rtl'); - - - base direction is an inherited CSS property, so will affect all content, unless... - direction can be set for all HTML block elements e.g.

, NOT on THEAD, TBODY, TD etc. - nested tables CAN have different directions - NOTE that block/table margins/paddings are NOT reversed by direction NB mPDF <5.1 reversed the margins/paddings for blocks when RTL set. - language (either CSS "lang", using Autofont, or through initial set-up e.g. $mpdf = new mPDF('ar') ) no longer affects direction in any way. NB config_cp.php has been changed as a result; any values of "dir" set here are now ineffective - default text-align is now as per CSS spec: "a nameless value which is dependent on direction" NB default text-align removed in default stylesheet in config.php - once text-align is specified, it is respected and inherited NB mPDF <5.1 reversed the text-align property for all blocks when RTL set. - the configurable value $rtlcss is depracated, as it is no longer required - improved algorithm for dtermining text direction - english word blocks are handled in text reversal as one block i.e. dir="rtl" [arabic text] this will not be reversed [arabic text] - arabic numerals 0-9 handled correctly Although the control of direction for block elements is now more configurable, the control of text direction (RTL arabic characters) remains fully automatic and unconfigurable. etc has no effect. Enclosing text in silent tags can sometimes help e.g. content[arabic text]content Justified text -------------- Text-align: justify - no longer uses configurable variable $jSpacing= C | W | '' The default value is for mixed letter- and word-spacing, set by jSWord and jSmaxChar If a line contains a cursive script (RTL or Indic [devanagari, punjabi, bengali]) then it prevents letter-spacing for justification on that line - effectively the same as setting letter-spacing:0 Spacing values have been removed from the config_cp.php configuration file, so the "lang" property (in config_cp) no longer determines justification behaviour (this includes the use of Autofont()). When using RTL or Indic [devanagari, punjabi, bengali] scripts, you should set CSS letter-spacing:0 whenever you use text-align:justify. @page media ----------- When using @page to create a print publication with page-size less than sheet-size - bleed margin is now configurable (also crop- and cross-mark margins) - backgrounds/gradients/images now use the bleed box as their "container box" - odd-header-name: supports the value "_default" - allows current non-HTML header to remain unchanged - marks: crop cross; i.e. both together supported - background-image-opacity and background-image-resize now work with @page CSS SVG images - extended support ----------------------------- - support for spreadMethod property for gradients (repeat and reflect) - support for style="font-family; font-size; font-style; font-weight" i.e. inline CSS - when viewPort="" and width="" height="" all specified, uses width to set SVG size of a "pixel" - support for opacity and multiple "stops" (and colorspace) in gradients Minor Enhancements ------------------ - support for colors as rgb(87%, 56%, 25%) [used especially in SVG] - added option of "NoPrintScaling" in SetDisplayPreferences - compress.php - now combines BACKGROUND-IMAGES and GRADIENTS as BACKGROUNDS, and added PROGRESS-BAR - table with THEAD row will force a new page if no room for the THEAD AND a row from TBODY - Small-Caps now works properly together with text-align justify - embedded font subsets restructured (minor) for greater compatibility e.g. with Postscript printers - PDF/A will convert everything except grayscale to RGB (by default) or CMYK (optionally) Bug fixes --------- - Display changed to CMYK colour gamut when document contained an object with transparency set. Now will retain RGB colorspace (brighter colours) - If using dir="rtl", tables containing nested tables were not properly reversed - "text-rotate: 0" set in CSS stylesheet did not 'undo' any text-rotate set on the row (TR) - Malayalam - character re-ordering - If height set on a block element, was not taking account of padding top/bottom - embedded font subsets: error in array of Font Widths fixed - containing /* import url() */ the comments were not ignored - If call mPDF class more than once, error using multiple barcodes or gif files because classes not reinstantiated - Floating blocks were collapsing bottom/top margins - incorrectly - Table: if colspan>1 contents are wider than the width of the included columns, did not increase column width(s) to accommodate - Resizing table - script hanging and new page forced when not required (still) - If a table style="page-break-inside:avoid" not fit on the page, was adding new page before resizing EVEN IF on a blank page - End of 2 blocks (e.g. ) at very bottom of page, forcing unwanted pagebreak - Corrected handling of tags inside
- RTL left-aligned text - line ending with 
not correctly left-aligned - printers_info $this->bleedMargin $this->crossMarkMargin $this->cropMarkMargin $this->cropMarkLength $this->nonPrintMargin $this->restrictColorSpace $this->PDFX $this->PDFXauto; $this->useKerning [$this->rtlcss removed] Updated files ------------- mpdf.php config.php config_cp.php (removed references to dir - but not essential to update - just redundant information) compress.php includes/out.php includes/functions.php classes/svg.php classes/ttfontsuni.php classes/indic.php /font/helvetica*.php and /times*.php Added CSS support ================= All Block elements including
------------------------------------------------ background-image-resolution: normal | [ from-image || ] direction: [ rtl | ltr ] (HTML attribute dir also supported) background: [ gradients ] background-image: [gradients ] For [ gradients ] syntax see: - Mozilla linear - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-linear-gradient - Mozilla radial - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/CSS/-moz-radial-gradient - Mozilla gradients use - https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_gradients - CSS3 linear gradients - http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-images/#linear-gradients - CSS3 radial gradients - http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-images/#radial-gradients Almost all elements - block and in-line --------------------------------------- font-kerning: auto | normal | none // need to set $mpdf->useKerning = true; letter-spacing: normal | word-spacing: normal | Colours ------- Anywhere that color is specified (e.g. color, background-color, borders) - rgb(255,255,255) - rgba(255,255,255,1) // last value is transparency (alpha) - between 0-1 - rgb(100%,100%,100%) - hsl(360,100%,100%) // H: 0-360; S/L: 0-100%; a:0-1 - hsla(360,100%,100%,1) - cmyk(100,100,100,100) // or 0-100% - spot(COLOR NAME, 100%) // e.g PANTONE 310 EC; use AddSpotColor() to define first border:
background: background-color: background-image: gradient-mask: [can use any of the gradient syntax] image-orientation: - supports deg, rad or grad image-resolution: normal | [ from-image || ] list-style: arabic-indic | bengali | devanagari | gujarati | gurmukhi | kannada | malayalam | oriya | persian | telugu | thai | urdu | tamil @page marks: [ crop || cross ] - i.e. crop and cross can be used together odd-header-name: "_default" - allows current non-HTML header to remain unchanged background-image-opacity: [ 0-1 ] background-image-resize: [ 1-6 ] - see Manual =========================== mPDF v5.0 (30/09/2010) =========================== New Features ------------ - Font handling simplified, reads TrueType font files directly Minor Enhancements ------------------ - rotation of fixed-position block elements (see example 10 and manual for supported CSS) - support for CSS Small-Caps font-variant added - utility scripts in /utils/ folder to help font management - new simplified functions AddPageByArray() and TOCPageBreakByArray() added - progress bar simplified and customisable - improved word-wrapping for CJK langauges - improved recognition of CJK/Indic/Arabic characters - invalid UTF-8 input now outputs a meaningful error by displaying input html with errors marked - GIF or PNG images with transparency/interlaced/non-standard compression handled as internal data if /tmp/ folder is not present or writeable - support for - support for "display: none" on inline elements - annotations supported in fixed-position block elements Bug fixes --------- -
preceded by space does not correctly text-align to right - zero-width character in middle of line caused line-break (e.g. diacritic or U+200C = ZWNJ) - HTML attributes not recognised if spaces e.g. 'src = "..."' - Headers changed for output - problem reported on IE8 64-bit using SSL - using SetAutoPageBreak(false) used caused unexpected behaviour with table rows at page break - (from Beta) incorrect check for temporary font data folder causing errors - artificial Bold/Italic not working in table cell when using rotated text - allow to inherit font color correctly - SVG now works with Adobe 7 - background in header overwriting text - vertical text in table header not correctly horizontally positioned when repeated - compatibility with PHP >= 4.3 (htmlspecialchars_decode, stripos) - updated depracated script PHP 5.3.0 ($string{1} to $string[1], $var =& new Object(), set_magic_quotes_runtime) - index (CreateIndex) number string incorrect if arabic(rtl) text anywhere in document - MultiCell incorrectly calculate string length/width when using core fonts - page-break-inside:avoid - used with non-HTML footer had space inserted for footer height - page-break-inside:avoid - error if more than 1 page height but not enough to trigger second pagebreak - page-break-inside:avoid - incorrectly layering page backgrounds (headers and content brought forward) Changes from 5.0 Beta --------------------- If you are upgrading from the Beta version - you MUST delete all files in the /ttfontdata/ temporary directory - config.php file has been changed (extra CJK characters to recognise CJK blocks) - $this->backupSubsFont (in config_fonts.php) optionally now takes an array - no need to define 'cjk'=>true or 'sip|smp'=>true in config_fonts.php (ignored; cf. $this->BMPonly) - Indic language fonts have been altered to add Latin and Latin-1 Supplement characters - progress bars now has an external progbar.css and configurable main heading - added initial parameter new mPDF('+aCJK') or '-aCJK' to override default useAdobeCJK at runtime - QRCode is not included in main download (but as an extra package) BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ---------------------- If you have been using earlier versions of mPDF, most scripts should work as before. But note: - Arial, Helvetica, Times and Courier are now treated like any other font - the whole CSS font string is parsed e.g. style="font-family:'Lucida Grande';" will look for a font 'lucidagrande' and not 'lucida' Configurable variables (see config.php file): ---------------------- - $mpdf->useSubstitutionsMB is now depracated, but will work as an alias for $mpdf->useSubstitutions The initial parameters e.g. new mPDF('utf-8') have all changed. Old ones may be recognised, or will be ignored. - $mpdf->useOnlyCoreFonts is now depracated and is ignored. Use new mPDF('c') - $this->use_CJK_only is now depracated and is ignored. See $this->useAdobeCJK and new mPDF('+aCJK') or '-aCJK' Control SmallCaps appearance - $mpdf->smCapsScale = 0.75; // Factor of 1 to scale capital letters - $mpdf->smCapsStretch = 115; // % to stretch small caps horizontally Customisable Progress bar - $mpdf->progbar_heading = 'mPDF file progress'; - $mpdf->progbar_altHTML = ''; Control fonts/subsetting - $mpdf->maxTTFFilesize = 2000; - $mpdf->percentSubset = 30; - $mpdf->debugfonts // show font errors and warnings Replaceable alias - $mpdf->iterationCounter = false; // Allow use of {iteration varname} in THEAD =========================== mPDF v5.0Beta (21/07/2010) =========================== New features ------------ The main change in mPDF v5 is the handling of TTF and TTC fonts directly. See README.txt and FONT INFO.txt for more information QR-code (2-dimensional barcode) Added ------------------------------------- type="QR" Size=1 is an arbitrary 25mm widthxheight. error="L|M|H|Q" text="" can be numeric, alphanumeric or binary(?) Required whitespace is always included around it Enhancements ------------ - progress-bar is simplified (no javascript class) - dir="rtl" supported in or tag Bug fixes --------- - artificial Bold/Italic now working in table cells with rotated text - "-" is now allowed in a font name e.g. sun-exta - now inherits font color correctly - SVG class bugs fixed (was crashing in Adobe Reader v 7) - background color/image in header no longer overwrites the header text Changed Config variables ------------------------ $this->useSubstitutionsMB is depracated Character substitution always occurs when using core fonts. Use $this->useSubstitutions for all cases. New Configurable variables -------------------------- $this->useAdobeCJK = true; // Uses Adobe CJK fonts for CJK languages // default TRUE; only set false if you have defined some available fonts that support CJK // If true this will not stop other CJK fonts if specified by font-family: // and vice versa i.e. only dictates behaviour when specified by lang="" incl. AutoFont() // Set maximum size of TTF font file to allow non-subsets - in kB // Used to avoid e.g. Arial Unicode MS (perhaps used for substituteCharsMB) to ever be fully embedded // NB Free serif is 1.5MB, most files are <= 600kB (most 200-400KB) $this->maxTTFFilesize = 2000; // If not -s (i.e. forced subset) this value determines whether to subset or not // 0 - 100 = percent characters // i.e. if ==40, mPDF will embed whole font if >40% characters in that font // or embed subset if <40% characters // 0 will force whole file to be embedded // 100 will force always to subset $this->percentSubset = 30; $this->debugfonts - show errors and warnings for font parsing Config variables removed ------------------------ $this->use_CJK_only $this->useOnlyCoreFonts ================================================================================ ==== 4.6 ==== mPDF files changed: mpdf.php config.php makefonts/makefonts.php class/t1asm.php class/svg.php graph.php examples_04 (images) config var added: $this->tableMinSizePriority 4.5.015 Bug fix: Complex page with ToC entries ++ (example_ToC_bug4_5_015.php) caused Apache to crash AdjustHTML() preg_pattern for matching ...
- 2 numbers (12) crash, 1 didn't!!! 4.5.014 Bug fix: Using TrueType fonts, unused font is not embedded in the PDF doc. This was fine except an error message appeared after printing in Adobe Reader, because Font reference /F1 still present in doc pointing to non-existent resource. Edited so that the reference is now removed from the page if font unused. 4.5.013 Enhancement TrueTypeUnicode fonts width array inserted as shortened form array (smaller file size) 4.5.012 Bug fix: Incorrect handling orphan characters in table (cf. http://mpdf.bpm1.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=193 fixed in 4.2 - but going back to it still problems) If xxxxx. fits but xxxxx.. doesn't: WriteFlowingBlock wraps it to next line, TableWordWrap sqeezed it onto one line TableWordWrap fixed to only allow one orphan char. even if it fits with that one. 4.5.011 Added Windows BMP image support 4.5.010 SVG class: - improved recognition of lineargradients/radialgradients referenced by xlink:href - does not die if empty text string - support for many text properties as style="" as well as currently as attributes (bold, fill etc) - if using MB font, was respecting "Times" and "Courier" from the SVG file but using as ANSI not utf-8 4.5.009 graph.php updated to include SVG - need to define in graph.php (as well as set up TTF fonts) (SVG graph does not include CSIM, 3D skew.) 4.5.008 t1asm.php has an error in the error message if .dat fontfile not found (".char.dat") 4.5.007 Bug fix: Using page-break-inside:avoid, if nothing would have been printed on page 1 before next page, elements going all over the place! Also problem shifting images - fixed Also wasn't shifting WMF/SVG images - fixed 4.5.006 New config var $this->tableMinSizePriority = false; If page-break-inside:avoid but cannot fit on full page without exceeding autosize; setting this value to true will force respsect for autosize, and disable the page-break-inside:avoid [NB edit Manual Table>>autolayout algorithm] 4.5.005 Bug fix Table set to avoid page-break-inside: in some circumstances entered loop with recalculating size Fudge factor added of 0.001 in tbsqrt to calculate shrink factor 4.5.004 Bug fix If table set to avoid page-break-inside and table height (resized) exactly==remaining page - was triggering page break Fudge factor added of 0.001 in tablewrite to query pagebreak 4.5.003 Bug fix in makefonts/makefonts.php Also changed the links in Step4 & 8 which move the newly created files to the font directory - will now show error message if error - will NOT overwrite existing files. (Put in manual already) 4.5.002 Bug fix in class/t1asm.php If you have magic_quotes_runtime set On - problems using embedded subset. 4.5.001 JPG "Exif" file recognised from header, and handled much more quickly and efficiently (not using GD) =========================== mPDF v4.5 (21/04/2010) =========================== New Features ------------ The main change in 4.5 is the improved class for importing SVG images. (See details below) Font files ---------- Some bugs in the "makefonts" utility caused some errors in the files produced for embedding font subsets. Surprisingly these are not easily detectable (I have yet to find one!). All the font files used for embedding font subsets (the .dat and .dat.php files in /unifont/ folder) have been re-generated. Download them if you are having problems with any fonts - otherwise, you probably don't need to bother. Minor Enhancements ------------------ If keepColumns = true (i.e. disable readjustment of column length), mPDF will now reproduce table header/footer rows in each column [4.4.015] A number of changes to improve processing time [4.4.012] [Thanks to carlholmberg http://mpdf.bpm1.com/forum/comments.php?DiscussionID=274&page=1#Item_3] JPG files with header marked as "progressive DCT-based JPEG" are now supported [4.4.004] Configurable variable (config.php) $dpi can be set to vary size interpreted from "px" values in HTML/CSS NB Recommended that $dpi should always be set the same as $img_dpi Support added for "ex" as a size value (approximates "ex" as half of font height) Configurable variable (config.php) $watermarkImgAlphaBlend will determine how watermark images will blend with underlying objects. Bug fixes --------- - Make-fonts utility : makefonts/makefonts.php [4.4.016] (All font files have been updated) - Table header of only one column width - not printing right border [4.4.014] - WMF and SVG images not rotating correctly to 90 or -90 degrees [4.4.013] - Using templates, error if imported doc contains templates itself [4.4.001] Updated Files ------------- mpdf.php config.php classes/svg.php makefonts/makefonts.php ALL subset font files (/unifont/ .dat and .dat.php files), and all garuda and norasi files New files --------- None New config variables -------------------- $this->watermarkImgAlphaBlend $this->dpi BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY ---------------------- All but one changes in mPDF 4.5 are fully backwards compatible. The configurable variable $this->watermarkImgBehind was introduced in v4.4 and was unintentionally set to TRUE In v4.5 this is set to FALSE in the config.php file. SVG Images ---------- [svg.php CHANGED] - Text stroke-width default changed to 1 [4.4.011] - Text stroke - line-join type changed [4.4.010] - Default value for fill changed to "black" [4.4.008] - Bug fixes: * to correct calculation of text-length (and therefore alignment R and C) [4.4.009] * Corrected errors in path implementation esp. quadratic Bezier curves * rounded corners to rectangles - error corrected * Recognition of font-family improved * remove \n (and other non-printable chars) from text * zero length shapes are not output e.g. zero-width rectangle, zero-length line, zero-radius circle - Support added for: * gradient stop offsets and gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse" [4.4.007] In mpdf.php enabled define inner radius for radial gradients - only used internally by SVG at present * user defined cf. 'render-elems-03-t.svg' in SVG Test Suite [4.4.006] * "color" attribute and "currentColor" value for fill and stroke [4.4.005] * fill:url(#...) in a style as well as attribute * xlink:href for gradients * 1.3002e-005 in svg path * text-style changes (e.g. text-anchor) set on element - not just on * fill-rule=evenodd|nozero * dashed lines / stroke-dasharray & stroke-dashoffset * gradientUnits=userSpaceOnUse; * units e.g. 3mm or 14pt in Rectangle, Circle, Ellipse, Line and Text position * transform on element * stroke as well as fill on text NB The following are still NOT supported for SVG - filters - - images - DOM - - textlength; lengthadjust; tspan, tref, toap, textPath; - - gradient on stroke/text; - - text-underline and strikethrough - text opacity - colors as rgb(87%, 56%, 25%) - rect using units for dimensions - Only uses default spreadMethod = "pad" for gradients =========================== mPDF v4.4 (24/03/2010) =========================== New Features ------------ - Support SVG image files (partial) - Rotate images or graphs (by multiples of 90 degrees) - Set opacity (transparency) for background images - Control resizing of background images - Set whether to print watermark images behind or in front of page contents - Reduced memory usage when printing tables (partly configurable) - Option to set path to folder for temporary files - Improved compliance for CSS text-align justify - Increased support for CSS "media" - Improved performance when accessing local image files Minor Enhancements ------------------ - Allows space in output file name e.g. $mpdf->Output('t est.pdf','D'); [4.3.007B] - Header changed in Output to improve compatability with IE6 (affects 'D' and 'I') [4.3.012B] - background-images do not show noimage.jpg if missing [4.3.012D] - simpleTables (which improves performance) now also allows: background-color, -gradient and -image, padding and rotated text to be set for each cell. Only borders are not supported cell-by-cell. [4.3.006] Bug fixes --------- - Page width not correctly reset when defining default page margins (L/R) by @page [4.3.007C] - Table row with a background-color, paints the whole row, including the spaces between cells [4.3.005] NB This should have been fixed in [4.2.028] but got left out! - UseSubstitutionsMB causes errors inside